Today’s great idols no longer exclusively are musicians or actors – Influencers are the stars of today. With their great popularity and reach in the social media, they are especially interesting for the marketing industry. We therefore do not only support you with the arrangement of Models, but also act as Influencer Marketing Agency Cologne for you. Whether for Instagram, YouTube or TikTok - together we will develop the best influencer campaign for you!
When it comes to marketing, the key to keeping your company up to date is called Influencer Marketing. Why should you choose Influencer Marketing and what sets it apart from classical marketing? The answer: mutual communication! TikTok, YouTube or Instagram Influencers such as Julien Bam or Bianca Heinicke advertise products and services of different companies on their channels with thousands of followers and finance their livelihood that way. Influencer Marketing can take on many different forms- It can be a professional unboxing video on YouTube or a product demonstration in a casual, funny Instagram story and anything in between. There is an influencer for almost every industry - be it classic topics such as lifestyle, food, fashion, traveling and beauty or "unconventional" areas such as technology, pets or gaming.
The reason for the international success of Influencer Marketing is that the company's target group, in this case the Influencers community, can interact with the advertising contributions themselves - be it via likes and dislikes or by commenting on their opinion of the product and company. Any interaction with the Influencer campaign will automatically display it to the friends of the person interacting, rapidly extending the reach. In addition, your company benefits from the existing relationship of trust between Influencer and follower. Social media stars often are looked at like an idol by their following, which is why their community takes their tips and recommendations very seriously - and is therefore more likely to be tempted to buy via influencer marketing than via classic advertising.
You want to find Influencers? Then our Influencer Agency Cologne is the right address for you! Contact us now for more successful marketing!
Influencer Marketing seems to be a true miracle force for companies. However, how does one find influencers who advertise products and services reliably? This is where we as Influencer Agency Cologne come into play! Our Agency’s expertise as Influencer Agency Cologne with the arrangement of Models and Influencer Marketing enables us to recognize the matching collaborations of Social Media Influencer and Company. We get you in touch with a creative, professional and reliable TikTok, Instagram- or YouTube influencer! One question we often encounter in our work is: Is Influencer Marketing affordable for small businesses? Definitely! Influencer Marketing is not limited to cooperations with Influencers that possess a following in the millions. The Influencer Agency Cologne provides you with so-called Micro Influencers – a promising alternative. Micro Influencers possess a following of about 10,000 followers, but a higher interaction rate. Since social media personalities with manageable numbers of followers still have the time and opportunity to respond to private messages or comments, the exchange is higher overall and the basis of trust is correspondingly greater. Even if companies cannot (or do not want to) spend the necessary money on large influencers, Micro Influencer Marketing gives them the opportunity to generate a similar number of conversions.
You want to start your (first) own influencer campaign? Then contact our Influencer Agency Cologne for a professional arrangement!
In times in which social media stars do not only encounter us on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, but also on TV shows or as presenters at award ceremonies, it is not surprising that more and more people want to become influencers themselves. In addition, indeed, influencer marketing offers a unique opportunity to turn your hobby into your profession. How do I become an influencer? In Cologne, Düsseldorf and the whole of Germany we are your right partner! Our Influencer agency arranges reliable and lucrative partnerships with companies through which you not only earn money, but also receive new material for your content. If you have a Social Media Channel, a loyal community, creative content ideas and a high interaction rate, you already have the most important prerequisites. If you want to become an Influencer, you do not necessarily need followers in the 6-8-digit range, but can also advertise for companies as a Micro Influencer with up to 10,000 followers. The way in which you engage with your following and how your content is received is way more important for our Influencer Marketing Agency. We are interested in a wide variety of topics: make-up, DIY, fashion, travel, pets, technology or your own children - it is important that your content is unique, interesting and of high quality.
You want to become an Influencer and introduce new products and services to your followers? Then apply to our Influencer Agency!